Indigenous Peoples Day Instead of Columbus Day

For decades, Native American activists have advocated to abolish Columbus Day to instead celebrate and honor the indigenous people of America. The hard work is paying off because today
more cities and states are recognizing Indigenous Peoples Day. Ironically, today (Monday, October 9, 2018. )both Columbus Day and Indigenous Peoples Day share the same day holiday.
Columbus Day became a federal holiday in 1937 to celebrate Christopher Columbus who was credited for discovering America. America can no longer hide behind the Columbus Day lie. What Columbus is actually credited for is a brutal history of displacement, enslavement and genocide of millions of indigenous people who called this land home (Read More).
The Truth In Living Color
Meet Marilyn (pictured). She is the oldest Queen Chief of her tribe known as the Roanoke-Hatteras Indian Tribe. Also known as "The lost Tribe," her ancestors had land confirmed to them in 1759. The original 200 acres were located near present day Outer Banks. After the demise of tribal lands, there still remain individual Indians and family groups in North Carolina. The Roanoke-Hatteras Indians have occupied this area since pre European contact, until present day.
Next time you travel near the Outer Banks, visit the Roanoke-Hatteras Indian Tribe in Manteo, North Carolina Learn more >
{Photo credit: April Chandler]